Always Transparent & Consistent.

Pricing at Ridgeline Physical Therapy is always transparent and consistent avoiding surprise bills months down the road. In order to provide the highest quality, one-on-one care to active adults, we are not in-network with any insurance companies at this time. This allows the focus to be on YOU and your needs each visit versus letting the insurance company dictate coverage and what we are/aren’t allowed to do.

Due to the extensive one-on-one time and continued communication between sessions, the amount of in-person time spent in the clinic is significantly less than a traditional PT clinic. This saves you both time and money, two variables I know are very valuable and I do not like wasting. Efficiency and fitting treatment into your busy lifestyle are the focus.

Initial Evaluation - $175.

A 75-minute one-on-one session allows for us to dive deep into what you’ve been experiencing, your current concerns, and where you want to be at the end of care. All care includes direct access to your physical therapist, a written-out plan, and communication with your coaches/trainers/other providers, if this is a desire.

Plan of Care

In order to optimize accountability and therefore outcomes, packages are very popular and recommended. Pricing depends on the number of sessions, ranging from $125-175/session. The plan of care is individualized to your own situation; however, visits often start more frequent and gradually become more spread out as pain decreases and we are focusing on building strength, resilience and capacity. Packages include 6-session or 20-session options, with payment plans available.

The goal is to get you spending less time in the clinic and more time doing what you love. Although I love spending time with my awesome clients, I am not trying to keep you under my direct care. I want you out, doing what makes you happy, as soon as possible.


  • I am not currently in-network with any insurance providers as I find it limits my ability to provide optimal, individualized and high touch-point care that so many active adults benefit from. If you have a high deductible insurance plan and don’t typically utilize a lot of care, it may actually be a cheaper option to use an out-of-network provider like Ridgeline Physical Therapy. Please reach out and I’m happy to dive in to this more specifically!

  • Payment is accepted in cash/venmo, credit/debit cards, check or using your HSA or FSA cards/accounts.

    If you have out-of-network insurance benefits, you may be eligible to receive some reimbursement as well! This is an easy process and I’m happy to help guide you in looking more into these benefits for yourself.

  • Yes! This is how a lot of patients pay for their services. It’s a super easy process and I’m happy to answer any further questions you may have about this option!

  • Traditional PT clinics are not always prepared for the true load the tissues need to truly make changes to reduce risk of future injury and truly improve performance. They have great tools to address pain and get you moving, but maybe not to 100% if you are a high performing adult.

    Combining my physical therapy knowledge with strength and conditioning expertise, we simultaneously aim to reduce pain while restoring mobility, strength and function to get you working towards your goals faster and more effectively.

  • That’s a great outcome! I would be happy to reimburse you for unused sessions, whether that is because you crushed rehab and don’t need them or because you don’t find value in the service anymore. You can also share them with family and friends! They make for a great gift.

    However, due to my strength and conditioning background, there is almost always valuable ways for us to use the sessions. Once you are pain free, the goal is to keep you that way and optimize performance. So oftentimes, the care continues even after pain has subsided with the goal of building resilience.